Saturday, January 14, 2012

Pretty Silver & Such

I recently purchased an assorted lot of old silver-plated flatware at an antique shop.

I'll post photos of my favorite pieces soon - there are some *beautiful* patterns and a nice variety of very interesting serving pieces.

One of my favorite patterns is this one:

The pattern is called Danish Princess (1938) by Holmes and Edwards. I think it's very charming with its acanthus-like motif:

Now I'm definitely on the hunt for more...!

With Christmas put away, I finally reorganized the dining room!
To cleanse my visual palette, I've gone with a decidedly all-white look for a while:

I did pull out my favorite blue silk pillow for a dash of colour on a side chair (to accompany our lovely Al Barker seascapes):

I never tire of these stormy scenes:
So that's my little interior update!

After a very mild Christmas, it is suddenly growing cold here with snow on the way.
I'm going to hunker down and rest tomorrow (headaches are still brutal) and dream of my next project...


  1. Love the paintings... they are so peaceful... your dining room is so pretty...

  2. Very restful decor, Terri. So sorry that you are in the middle of brutal headaches. "Brutal" is such a descriptive word.

    Wonderful blues in those seascapes...

  3. I agree with about the silver. I'd be on the hunt for more too. It's loverly.

    Love the top of the buffet too! That's my favorite combination of things. White, silver, wood and glass. You can never go wrong putting those things together.

    It looks like we're finally getting colder here too but still know what. I can't even say it.

  4. the silver pieces are wonderful, terri. I am hunting several pieces myself, to mix and match. count me in as one who never tires of your art as well. they are stunning and add so much to your home. donna

  5. The silver design is beautiful, and I like those two paintings. Very pretty decor. I'm enjoying your blog and have added you to my list of favorites on my blog! Sorry to hear that you have been having headaches. They are the worst. I hope you're feeling better soon.

  6. Hi dear. So sorry headaches are brutal. I have had about three a week. I think it's the craziness in the weather too. Who knows. But I pray yours stop. I love your home and artwork and beautiful dinning room. Ever since Christmas, my mission has been to strip my home of excess and make it as simpler as possible. I love how your home looks, elegant and not cluttered. That's my goal. Great work! and Great post.

  7. Beautiful cutlery pattern Terri. Which antique store did you get it from? Your home is looking gorgeous as usual. It's freezing here today, isn't it? Snuggle up and stay warm! Brrr!

  8. Anonymous3:58 pm

    Antique silver is so charming. How wonderful to have such a lovely collection started. It's beautifully crafted pieces like these that make dinner party guest feel extra special. I think you should keep the collection going!

  9. Everything looks crisp and pretty over there Terri. Hubby and daughter were up there over the weekend and said the temps were just brutal.

    Sending you sunshine and heat from Houston (temps in the high 70s today).

  10. I think a cleansing of the "visual palette" is a fantastic idea that we should all adopt after the holidays or when things just stop looking right.
    Wishing you "calmer seas" in the headache department.

  11. LOVE, love, love your paintings - beautiful!

  12. Terri,
    I love your silver...of course I died over the acanthus leaf. Let me know if you ever want to sell it? :)

    So exciting about the sofa...

  13. Hi Terri,
    I spy my white tureen!
    It looks fantastic!
    Believe it or not, I have a whole set of Danish Princess.
    So sorry about your headaches !!

  14. this one. the danish princess. i need to go dig it out and see if it is the exact same. it really looks like it
